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The kaleidoscope is a tool that provides visual pleasure to the observer by simultaneously showing the real object and the near-infinite virtual images.

The Kaleidoscope (2015) is a device designed to paradoxically focus on the reality of the work by showing the reality of the work and the virtual images in the exhibition hall according to the movement of the viewer.

The works of the four artists with distinct personalities are delivered as different experiences depending on the movement route, mixing real and virtual images in the exhibition hall. The exhibition space is a metaphor for the real world where the fictional social norms that read the other as stereotypes and the other's individual entities intersect and mix.

Site Location: Gallery in Doosan Art Center, 270 Yeonji-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Site area: Not applicable
Building area: Not applicable
Dry lung rate: N/A
Gross floor area: N/A
Volume Ratio: Not applicable
Scale: Not applicable

Maximum height: 3.60m

Number of parking spaces: Not applicable

Structure: wooden structure

External finish: Neoprene artificial fiber, mirror foil artificial fiber, mirror film on MDF

Use: exhibition booth, pavilion

Plan and basic design: MMKM associates Seo-Hong Min, Ah-Sung Gil
Detailed Design : MMKM associates Seohong Min, Ahseong Gil
Supervising : MMKM associates Seohong Min
Structural design: Not applicable
Electrical equipment: Not applicable
Mechanical equipment: Not applicable
Landscape design: N/A
Construction : Welcome Company
Client: Doosan Art Center
Photo: Doosan Art Center

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