Site Location: 86, Sadang-ro 17-gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul
Site area: 635.9m2
Building area: 317.28m2
Dry lung rate: 49.98%
Total floor area: 1876.15m2
Floor area ratio: 217.84%
Scale: 1 basement level, 5 above ground level
Maximum height: 22.80m
Number of parking spaces: 8
Structure: Reinforced concrete structure
Exterior finishing: powder coating on metal lath, clay brick stuccoing, powder coating on aluminum sheet, aluminum window + low-e double-glazed glass
Use: Public business facilities
Plan and basic design: MMKM associates Seohong Min, Hyeonjeong Park
Detailed Design: Not applicable
Supervision: Not applicable
Structural design: Not applicable
Electrical equipment: Not applicable
Mechanical equipment: Not applicable
Landscape design: N/A
Construction: Not applicable
Client: Dongjak-gu Office
Photo: N/A